Why New Year Resolutions are worth making!
Some people may say that New Year resolutions aren’t even work making because, well, for a good number of people (I admit – this includes me!), the new resolutions or goals don’t last long. Some may say, “if it’s not going to last, then why bother setting a New Year resolution at all?”
I completely disagree with that mindset.
So what if you fall off the bandwagon and break your resolution? Who cares if you mess up on day 21, or even day 3? THAT IS 100% OK!
Let me explain why it still matters…
First, Motivation. I think any motivation that helps you move towards accomplishing your goals is 100% worth it. If a “new year resolution” helps you make more time for yourself and work towards the goals you have, it is completely worth it – even if it does only last a few weeks.
If a new year gives you motivation – the more power to you! Motivation helps us not only make goals, but stick with our goals. Motivation comes from the “Why” – Why are you setting a certain goal in the first place?
Likely, its because you have an inner desire to change something, improve upon something, be your best self, reach your aspirations, or to overcome something challenging for a feeling of accomplishment.
Motivation helps us turn thoughts into actions. It is the inspiration that we can always come back to if we’ve fallen off track.
Second, you don’t have to be perfect. Ok, so you messed up one day and didn’t do that one thing you’re supposed to do (or not do) everyday for the next 365 days. IT’S OK!
New Year resolutions don’t have to be an “all or nothing” situation. Just because you skipped a day, week, or month working on your resolution/goal, doesn’t mean it is no longer worth it. It doesn’t mean you need to wait until the next January 1st to start over.
You must remember that every day is a new day. Every day is a new chance to take little steps towards your goals.
Third, modify as you go. If you set a goal and find it to be unrealistic, no problem. Modify the goal. Rather than abandoning the idea of having a goal all together, set a smaller goal instead.
Advice given to me was that “the Great Wall of China wasn’t built in a day,” and that mindset can be applied to so many aspects of our lives. In this case, small goals can help us get to that big goal – where we want to be long term. If you find yourself drifting from your goal, bring yourself back, remember your why, and pick up where you left off.
Also, life changes. Situations change. Give yourself the flexibility to adapt and modify your goals as needed.
Forth, remember there is no better time than the present. New resolutions and goals can be set at any time! If you haven’t created a 2019 resolution yet, no problem! It’s never too late! It doesn’t have to be a “New Year” resolution.
Creating goals allows us to reflect on ourselves and think about what we want to improve on, where we want to be in the future, and how we can get there. Slowly but surely, we can grow into our best selves.
Take a moment to think of where you would like to be in 1 year from now. What steps can you take to get you there? It doesn’t have to be an “all or nothing” approach. Tiny steps at a time… they make all the difference!
lindsay nicole
Great post and I agree resolutions are totally worth it – I’ve been sticking to mine and it’s awesome knowing I am doing that!! It makes me feel good!
lindsay nicole
Yes, Ashli! Keep it up!