Tax Day! Time to get ready for next year’s taxes!
“Wait, what?!? I JUST did my taxes!”
I bet that was your first thought when you read the title of this post. Hear me out…
If you’re like me, every year, tax season rolls around and you frantically try to collect all of your documents, look up last year’s donations, health receipts/documents, etc. It can be overwhelming and, quite frankly, it can be stressful.
If that description is not you, and you always have everything ready to go come the new year – well you’re ahead of us all and you deserve a pat on the back! 🙂
However, if you are like the rest of us (*raises hand*) – you’re not alone!
It’s difficult to plan a year in advance – but it can save us stress in the long run. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need any fancy document filing/tracking system.
All you need is a folder. That’s right. Go grab a manila folder. Like now, go on. I’ll wait here…
Don’t have a manila folder? Grab an old binder, a folder from your kids room, pretty much anything that you can designate as your “2019 tax document” holder will work!
From now on, when you have anything that will be needed for tax purposes – put it right in that folder. Worry about organizing what is in the folder when January 1st of next year rolls around. I promise you, it’ll be worth the effort.
Not only will it save you time, but more importantly it’ll save you the STRESS of trying to find everything while hoping it didn’t get tossed in the trash somewhere along the way. Am I right, or am I right?
It’s simple solutions like this that can help us make life less complicated!
So let’s celebrate this Tax Day by getting ready for the next!